If you are teaching at a high school, community college, or vocational technical school, this material is ideally suited for your teaching needs. We have received feedback from literally thousands of students who have used one or more of our eleven training programs. This has enabled us to upgrade and enhance our training programs regularly. Schools are entitled to special discounts. When a school purchases 20 or more student packets (disk-based tutorial, workbook, and program files on disk), the cost per packet is only $23.00. Some of our training programs are supported with Instructor Guides and transparencies. Instructor Guides are $45.00 and pre-made transparencies are $60.00 for 40 transparencies. Schools may obtain a review package for each product by calling or mailing a Purchase Order. Each package that consists of disk-based tutorial and workbook is $79.95. Each package that consists of workbook only is $49.00. A list of products is contained in the disk-based tutorial you are now reviewing under the MENU title HOW TO USE THIS COURSE. For more information: Call (206)451-3822 today.